Thursday 12 July 2018

About trying to deal with the imperfections of life

One of the biggest consolations I find in life,
is to try to constantly remind myself that life isn't perfect.

It's so easy for many of us to be fed up with ourselves and all our foolish ways -
and with those of others!

When all the minor, and sometimes major, annoyances of life occur,
if we could remember to keep muttering to ourselves,
"Nothing's perfect; no-one's perfect,"
I'm sure it would help us to minimise the stress
and dissipate the irritation.

Hopefully, this might be a path towards humility, acceptance, calmness,
and peace of mind and heart.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

About a World cup sweep - and how much we all know

The following thought was apropos of a conversation between me and husband about a family World Cup sweep based on match scores, for which his knowledge was required.

H, who is, by my reckoning, a world-class authority on football (he should be, considering the number of matches he's watched!), was doubting his predictions.

Having poopooed his denial of expertise, this was my philosophical response.

We all know a lot more than we think we know,
but the most important thing to know
is how much we don't know.