Tuesday 27 March 2018

On gauging when not to engage

Oh how I wish I could improve in this area!!
Why do I feel the necessity to jump in and add my two-penneth on anything and everything going??!!
How old do you have to be before you begin to learn wisdom?!

PS I had to look up the spelling of two-penneth (short for pennyworth) on google - and yes, I'd spelt it wrongly - and saw a wonderful 'Urban Dictionary' definition, (hadn't heard of that before but very impressed - completely hit the spot!)

Monday 26 March 2018

About the difficulties within relationships

These are some isolated thoughts about the above, put together in no particular order.
They have come to me over the years and are reflections on the subject, developed during that time.
  • Relationships between people who are living together, be they husband and wife, student friends, life partners, are a 'work in progress'! Hang on in there!
  • How many of your closest friends could you actually live with!
  • In the day-to-day living out of the closest of relationships, it's the little annoyances and irritations that create tensions.
  • For many people, addressing such issues is the hardest matter.
  • Basically, living with another person/other people is hard but is generally, for most of us perhaps, better than the alternative.
  • For some people, the very opposite is true; they'd rather live alone for the whole of their lives than put up with the 'horrors' of other people's ways!

Monday 19 March 2018

About 'life not being fair'

How many times have we all either heard this cry, especially from our children, or felt it ourselves!! Speaking personally, on both counts, many times is the answer.

As a young adult, I read an article head-lined, "Life isn't fair and systems cannot make it so", said to be a quote from President John F. Kennedy. The title resonated with me and has stuck in my head ever since. Before writing about this, I decided to investigate the quote on google. It was very interesting. Below is a summary.

JFK on the Vietnam War: 21.3.62. at a press conference:
"There is always inequity in life." (He then describes how some servicemen in a war situation may have quite protected postings, whilst others have horrendous experiences.) He ends thus, "It is very hard in military or in personal life to assure complete equality. Life is unfair."

This may sound a hard-bitten, even cynical, attitude to some, but I have found it to be, generally, a salutary view. It doesn't seem to matter how hard we may all try to be 'fair'. Somewhere along the line, even with the best intentions in the world, we seem to fall short.

We do not all have an equally good start in life or in the circumstances in which we find ourselves, or in the choices that we are given. That's just how it is and we all have to try to make the best of the hand which we have been dealt.

Then, there are the everyday events of life. Difficult stuff happens, often, with no rhyme or reason that we can fathom, and we just have to cope. To remind myself of this reality, as I would call it, that actually, life isn't fair, helps me.

Friday 16 March 2018

About knocking on doors - the extended version

Have you ever found yourself, as I have, knocking on a door, which no-one answers.

You think someone is in, there should be someone there, someone probably is - but the door remains firmly closed.

What should we do? We should turn and walk away, even though, probably and understandably, with a sigh and a saddened heart.

We need to recognise when not to knock! I am trying to learn to take my own advice!! Thank goodness it's never too late.

For most of us, hopefully, there will be other doors that will be opened by outstretched and welcoming arms, with an invitation to come in, to pull up a chair for a cuppa and a chat - and that will make all the difference!

About knocking on doors

Let us not spend our lives
knocking on doors that do not open.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

About marriage

Marriage, is where,
if we really work at it,
over the years,

'I' becomes 'we'
'me' becomes 'us'.

About the music of life

I want to be in harmony
with all the voices of creation.

About giving and receiving

It is only as we learn to reach out to others in their need,
that we learn how to receive from others in ours.