Sunday, 26 July 2015

About wanting to share favourite pieces of music

Is it just me or do many of us feel the desire to tell others about the things we really love, in the hope, perhaps, that we will find someone who shares our passions? For as long as I can remember, music has been one of the great joys of my life, as it is for so many people, I'd say, and I certainly find that having friends who feel likewise is marvellous.

My first memory of knowing the composer of a specific piece of music dates from around the time I was about seven. We had been invited to tea by one of Dad's friends (that, in itself, was a rare and special occurrence; tea with another family!). This friend had a terrific bass voice and was a big man in every way (he was in the police force, a thing of awe to us children). I loved hearing him singing the hymns from the back of church, where he always sat.

Anyway, that Sunday afternoon, he played records for us on his radiogram and told us the stories. The one I remember is The Thieving Magpie overture and, to this day, whenever I hear it, I can see the courtiers chasing up and down the castle stairs trying to find the King's jewels (I think that's the story but could be wrong. It was a long time ago!) I went around for ages saying that my favourite composers were Rossini and Verdi, which was quite funny coming from a seven year old who hardly knew any others!

Well, as I'm unlikely to make Desert Island Discs (possibly my all-time favourite radio programme), I would really like to share my list of fave-raves on occasional posts, on the grounds of, and in the hopes that, there may be some people who might either know and love them already or might want to listen and see what they think.

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