Friday, 17 July 2015

About not judging a book by its cover or an apple by its colour - and on interviewees

I love sayings in general, such as "Don't judge a book by its cover", ie, don't judge by appearances; but even as I write this, I become aware that we often do and in certain circumstances, it can be an appropriate response. (This only goes to show that for every so-called 'rule', there's probably always a case for the opposite to be true!)

The trigger for this post was my morning apple. It looked a bit greenish and not very appetising to tell the truth but apple after porridge is the order of the day (or should I say breakfast) so it was consumed - and turned out to be delicious. Now, how often has the reverse been true! I've eaten many a beautifully red and luscious-looking specimen, only to be sorely disappointed. The proof of the apple, as of the pudding, is definitely in the eating. (Now there's a really good saying!)

As to interviewees, well I've known situations when the good interviewee is definitely not the man - or woman - for the job. Some people can 'talk a good job', as they say, but cannot come up with the goods; whereas others cannot seem to do themselves justice in the interview situation.

I once worked with someone who was an excellent deputy head but wasn't offered the headship when it became vacant, even though the school knew his abilities. Shortly afterwards, he was appointed as head of another local school where he was the second choice when the first choice withdrew. That school was not achieving brilliantly at the time. He totally turned it round and, in reputation and results, it eventually superseded his original school, which began to lose its former high status, I'd say.

Oh dear for them, and how very gratifying for him, I always thought. (How very naughty of me, I know.) They had a good apple in their hands but let him go. Here we are then back at books and covers - and apples - would you believe; sometimes dull beats flashy and greenish beats red, eh.

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