Tuesday, 14 July 2015

About 'funny ways' and 'wabi-sabi'

Could it be true that most of us are awkward and/or difficult in one way or another?
When I first moved to the area in which I have lived most of my adult life, I was much taken with a local saying; "We've all got 'us funny ways". This was good for me because I've always been over-conscious of, and embarrassed by, my funny ways. (Yes, I do admit I have a few!! Husband, of course has NO funny ways, although he will accept that he's not perfect, for which admission, I suppose I must be grateful!)

If only we could learn to accept our own imperfections - funny ways, if you like - and those of everyone around us and train ourselves to see our own and others' gifts and strengths, surely life would be so much easier - and happier. I've written a few posts about this topic so I suppose it must be dear to my heart. Maybe I'll never achieve that goal but I can hope that it helps to keep it in mind every now and again.

In recent times, I've heard and read a little about a Japanese concept called wabi-sabi so I decided to look it up on google.
In Wikipedia, it is described as a Japanese world view, centred on the acceptance of 'transience, impermanence and imperfection'. It is an aesthetic of 'beauty that is imperfect, impermanent and incomplete'.
Briefly, 'wabi' is to be satisfied with a little ....... (of anything) and 'sabi',  'the bloom of youth'. Wabi people are 'free in their hearts' and  their ability to 'make-do with less' is revered.

These are just a few of the snippets I read. There is so much to chose from, some of it couched in lyrically poetic language. It really is a highly interesting and beautiful set of ideas to me and I'd recommend it to anyone else who might be interested.

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