Sunday, 10 September 2017

Husband's thoughts about criticism

Apropos of various chats over breakfast, husband (H) came out with a string of comments which I thought were so great, I tried to jot them down. Sadly, they spilled out so quickly, I couldn't keep up but will try to give the gist.

  • "If you want to speak against something, STUDY it!"
  • You have to earn the right to criticise something!"
  • You have to love something before you have the right to criticise it."
  • People want to criticise something because it scares them."
  • The only thing that works is example."

He did admit that, when younger, he was up there with those who do criticise (I'm happy to vouch for that one!) but that age had mellowed him and given him some wisdom and realisation that no-one can or should judge.
By this time, he was on a roll and I couldn't keep up but I was impressed and touched and proud. He's a man of instinct and when in full spate, can talk a lot of sense (and sometimes not, but that's another story!).

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