Monday 17 June 2024

About saying hallo and goodbye to summer sheets and lettuce

Ours is a household governed by the 'seasons,' as roughly designated by me!

The months are as follows. Spring covers April and May, Summer, June, July and August, Autumn, September and October, and then Winter, by far the longest, stretches from November to March!

I am fairly flexible (a necessity in our land, surely), especially with the summer sheets. Many's the 'summer' when the poly-cotton variants from the beloved brushed-cotton regulars, never make it to the bed, such are the vagaries of so-called 'British summertime'.

Likewise with summer clothes, where I am, of necessity, flexible. How many of us have put away our winter woollies at the first flush of warmer weather, only to be hauling them out a week later, when frost rears its head again.

And as to lettuce, well I'm a believer in trying to eat foods in season as much as possible so lettuce definitely comes into that category. For one thing, I'm an ott rinser of most things and am not keen on washing lettuce in very cold water!! 

Well, they do say variety adds spice to life!

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