On chatting over the result yesterday evening with son, S, we spoke of the marvellous spirit of the Welsh team. It was obvious that they played with a passion for and pride in their country and their team, which was marvellously reflected by the Welsh supporters. The overwhelming judgement of our team has, understandably enough, been quite the reverse, but are we being fair to them.
Do we, the people of England, feel that kind of passion for our country? I don't think we do, so why should we expect eleven footballers to take on a mantle which we have not been able to supply. We pay them a lot of money, they receive our adulation, but is that enough? Obviously not, I'd say. How could we develop that identity in which we could take pride.
Perhaps now is the time to look at our society in general and ask some searching questions along those lines. We have so much to be proud of but we need, I believe, to return to the kind of values which almost seem to be unfashionable in these times, co-operation, discipline, effort, fair play, good manners, hard work, inventiveness, justice.
Shouldn't we rather lose the game (of life) having played (lived) in this manner than win (live) in any other way.
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