We watched a very moving documentary last week, called 'All in the Mind'. It was made by the conductor of the choir 'Only Men Aloud', Tim Rhys-Evans, and concerned his gradual descent into depression, which ended in a severe mental breakdown, and his continued efforts to deal with his mental health.
It was an open and honest attempt to overcome the stigma and secrecy which still surround this terrible illness and, hopefully, to help others who may be in a similar situation.
As he spoke of the suicidal thoughts which began to plague him, this one line struck me; "They'll be better off without me."
This is one of the great lies that inner demons would have us believe.
Perfectionism and feelings of worthlessness also featured in his struggles.
If only those who battle with these issues could realise that many, if not most, people are struggling in one way or another, at one time or another, living in the throes and woes of imperfection, of getting things wrong, of failings and failures (and worse), not one of which, MOST IMPORTANTLY, is the end of the world - or , at least, shouldn't be!!!!!
May these lies be seen for what they are and may all those affected in a similar way, find family, friends - and medical staff, if need be - who will help to see them through and 'keep them alive in famine'.