Tuesday, 28 October 2014

About endings and new beginnings

Sometimes it seems 
that something has to die
before something new 
can be born in its place.
This seems so sad but it does seem to be true.
In one of David Attenborough's amazing wildlife series, the total destruction brought about by forest fires was actually shown to be nature's way of purging and purifying the land so that new and better growth could occur.
I remember being very struck by that.

A book I read some years ago described how the troubles in Liverpool between Catholics and Protestants, which were at one time very similar to those in N. Ireland, were never the same after the Second World War, perhaps because the bombs had fallen on everyone irrespective of their religion and everyone had suffered together. How strange that from the horror and devastation of war can come new and better ways of life.

It does actually help me to see that from the tragedies and seeming failures of life, I can often look back and realise that new and better things have come. I do wonder though why it has to be that way. Why do we never seem to learn except by the hard way? Perhaps that's just the way we humans are.

May all of us find the courage to hang on in there through the bad times, always believing that all things pass and that good will always defeat evil, however long it takes.

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