When we look up the mountain and feel disheartened by how far we have to go,
we should try to remember to look down and see how far we've come.
I first remember this thought coming to me in these words many years ago, but usually only remember it when talking to someone else who is discouraged about something in particular.
It puts me in mind of climbing 'Dent', the hill which overlooked the small town where my dad grew up. When we made our magical first family visit, we were taken on a Sunday afternoon outing to 'climb', or rather stroll up Dent, as it was known locally.
Well what a disappointment; what looked beautiful from afar was boring and endless in reality. Every time we reached one hilltop, it was to find another stretched above! We certainly didn't make the summit that day and I never have. (Will I before I die? I really don't know. My cousins have done it probably many times but they live there.)
Life does seem to be like that at times; one endless summit after another. When we feel downhearted about our failings and failures, we need a friend who will lift our our spirits by saying, "but look at what you have achieved in ..............". This can make all the difference and can help us to look at things in a different way, far more positively.
So, in moments of discouragement, we should try to do this for ourselves and we should also remember that sometimes there really is a summit that we can reach and an amazing view that makes the climb worth all the effort.
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