Sunday, 1 September 2019

About Dad's 'soap treatment' for sticking doors

The airing cupboard on our landing has an upside-down wooden door which used to be on a cupboard in our dining/living room.

The back story here is that when we took that cupboard down, I'm as sure as I can be that it was my idea to use the door upstairs to hide our, not very beautiful but useful, homemade shelves. It would only fit upside down for some reason beyond my memory or understanding.

Husband, however, swears that it was his idea and he can shout louder than I can, especially when he's not 100% sure he's right but won't admit it, whereas I'm always ready to doubt my memory (often with good reason but not in this case!!). (It wounds my pride because I was very chuffed with my inventiveness!!)

Anyway, it had been sticking badly for months and I would moan to myself as I struggled to put bedding away each week. Then I remembered my dad's trick so I trotted off to the bathroom to fetch the soap. A rub on both parts of the door which were sticking and - bingo - it opened as sweetly as a nut.

Good old dad; it works a treat every time. I just thought it might be worth sharing in case anyone reading this might not know the cure for a sticking door, and who doesn't have to contend with that at some time or another!!