Tuesday, 12 February 2019

About facial exercises for the over-sixties

Some months ago now, I decided that it might be a good idea to give myself a facial massage as I applied the only 'beauty' care I can be bothered with, which is a daily application of 'face' cream after my morning wash.

The cream itself is generally the body lotion I buy (Aldi's Lacura, very nice constituency and perfume and very reasonably priced) or toiletry gifts from the family.

I've taken to really massaging it in with my fingertips, on my forehead, nose, chin etc and, as I rub it into my cheeks, I've been performing facial contortions to stretch all my muscles

This includes opening my mouth very wide. (I watched a recent programme on sleep, hosted by Eamonn Holmes and his wife, which advocated this to help avoid snoring of all things!)

The process looks similar to an exercise for facial muscles which I read about many years ago. It was called 'The Lion'. The bathroom mirror reflection reminds me of the Cumbrian practice of 'gurning', ie not a pretty sight!

Honestly, I think the results may be speaking for themselves because people keep telling me I look really well (which is somewhat of a rarity and, almost certainly, a euphemism for 'slightly better than usual'!).

When you come to think about it, our faces are the most exposed parts of our bodies so every little help, maybe not to rejuvenate them, (that may well be a bridge too far for any cream and any amount of muscle stretching) but to give them a bit of a boost.

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