Wednesday, 25 January 2023

About feeling guilty for not liking my Grandma

For many years, I felt guilty about thinking, let alone saying, that I didn't like my grandma, my mum's Mum, very much.

As a child, I couldn't have said exactly why. It was a feeling that she didn't really 'know' you, and not just because she would real off the names of your cousins before alighting on yours. I know this is common amongst distracted grannies (and mums!) but Grandma didn't seem to 'know' you as a person, to connect with you. 

She was a very 'good' mum and grandma in most respects. I'm pretty sure that my uncles and aunts loved her and I know my mum did!  So that made my feelings more of a puzzle!

Perhaps it was just her nature to be always caught up in the practicalities of everyday life, cooking and baking for her large family. After all, who could forget her jam pies and Christmas puddings with the spotlessly clean sixpenny pieces in, the tizer and cream soda with the amazing 'sprung top' stoppers, kept in the larder?!

Fortunately, the older I become, the more I understand and appreciate her good qualities, something about which I'm very pleased.

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