Monday, 26 March 2018

About the difficulties within relationships

These are some isolated thoughts about the above, put together in no particular order.
They have come to me over the years and are reflections on the subject, developed during that time.
  • Relationships between people who are living together, be they husband and wife, student friends, life partners, are a 'work in progress'! Hang on in there!
  • How many of your closest friends could you actually live with!
  • In the day-to-day living out of the closest of relationships, it's the little annoyances and irritations that create tensions.
  • For many people, addressing such issues is the hardest matter.
  • Basically, living with another person/other people is hard but is generally, for most of us perhaps, better than the alternative.
  • For some people, the very opposite is true; they'd rather live alone for the whole of their lives than put up with the 'horrors' of other people's ways!