The posts now number 9, soon to be 8, so definitely some progress shown, however slowly!! Here goes!
Today is the third anniversary of my properly starting to write posts for my blog so each New Year's day is very special to me in this context. The meaning behind the title of this Abba song has been in my mind for a long while so I thought that today might be as good a day as any to try to write about it.
Why is 'knowing me' such an important idea to me and what is its relevance to my posts? It is this; whatever I write, however inconsequential or trivial it may be, is me. What you read is what I am. So, as you read my thoughts, opinions, views, they are 'me'. If you should be interested enough to follow them, you are 'learning me'.
My feeling is that as we 'learn' each other, we 'learn' ourselves. Whether or not we like or dislike someone, that person can give us an insight into ourselves. The 'realness', the honesty of each person I meet is, for me, the most important factor in our contact.
When people are 'not themselves', for whatever reason, and I'm not condemning or judging them, it makes me uncomfortable and I then find it hard to be myself. It isn't easy for everyone to be completely natural with others, especially on first meeting, for a variety of reasons.
It could be a person's nature, background or a combination of many other circumstances but it is possibly something that can be helped by sticking around people who are 'themselves', whatever that means exactly.
As ever, my hope is that some of what I send out on the e-waves may be of value to someone 'out there' in this very important aspect of life. I would love to think that I might be a little point of reference in the 'landscape of someone's life', however unknowingly.
So here's to "knowing me, knowing you - aha" now, and in time to come, hopefully.
It is, of course, the title of an Abba song, one of the many much-liked by me and my husband, not only because we loved their music but also because one of our early dates was a visit to a local cinema to see "ABBA: The Movie", a filmed documentary of their lives which we really enjoyed. I can still see some of the images from the film in my mind, particularly of their plane landing at the Australian airport!
(Also, I was, of course, his 'dancing queen' and I remember us dancing to "When I Kissed the Teacher' at our friends' New Year's Eve party, shortly afterwards, a very happy memory.)