On First Meeting
I saw you - and I knew you,
as if in some long time before
we were well-known to one another.
And in that glance there was -
a meeting of eyes - surprise -
That knowledge has not proved false.
Our friendship fits our lives. It began that day -
and has stayed the course of time.
We speak, we write but rarely;
meet less often - but always it is there;
instant, constant connection.
You are my friend - and I am yours.
That's it and all of it.
On September 30th, many years ago, my friend and I met on our first evening as students, when a group of us gathered in my room. We are best friends to this day, although two more different people it would be hard to find.
We meet a few times each year and are immediately back in the day of that first meeting. We have a totally honest relationship. We do not feel the same about many things but our relationship is an indelible constant in our lives.
For this, I am infinitely grateful. What an amazing gift is friendship.