Monday, 16 November 2015

About dealing with 'cold calls'

My first tactic, when I've realised the nature of the call is, ignoring the caller's opening gambit, to say, politely and calmly, "What do you want, please?" If he or she persists with the spiel, I persist with, "What do you want please?!"
If the caller continues, not having recognised that this particular approach is unlikely to achieve much, I say, again, very politely, "I'm not interested, thank you; good-bye." and put the phone down. I must add here that nothing incenses me more than an enquiry as to 'how I am'! I feel like shouting down the phone, "What's it got to do with you."
I feel heart-sorry for the poor folk who are reduced to trying to earn a living in this way and have no wish to be rude. I really wish that someone would tell them that all we want (or don't want usually) is to know the purpose of the call, not an enquiry as to the state of our health!
All I can say is that this is the most successful tactic I've come up with so far and I hope it may be of use to someone else.