Wednesday, 19 August 2015

A late-night conversation

Sometimes, as we're going to bed, I try to tell husband something to do with my jottings, having just looked at my page views. BIG MISTAKE as he invariably manages to say something upsetting or annoying, as they do. (Sorry if this is sounding husband-ist - or am I sorry? Probably not, actually, because you're all mostly well able to fend for yourselves from what I've seen!)
Anyway, the conversation went something like this:

(Apropos of some maddening comment)
Wife to husband
I knew you'd say that!!"
Husband to wife
"Oh, it's a God-thing, is it?"
Wife to husband
"No, it's a being married thirty-seven years thing!!"
Husband even laughed.
Touche, eh! Ooh, I was pleased.