Saturday, 26 April 2014

An Afterthought on Us

Perhaps Pilate is 'Everyman' and his guilt represents the guilt of us all as we 'stand on the sidelines', 'sit on the fences', 'keep our heads below the parapets' and 'hide under the radar' of life. (Look how many metaphors we have for everything that those phrases represent.)
How many of us can put our hands up and say, "Not I, surely, Lord"; certainly I can't.
It is Jesus who struggles up the hill of hatred, carrying the weight of our guilt and bearing the full punishment for it, and yet, even as he dies, is still able to find the strength to show his unshakeable love for us all and to forgive us and all humanity, then, down through all the ages and for all time.

PS I remember reading, quite some years ago now, a poem by John Dunne, which began "Spit in my face, ye Jews" which might be of interest to some people.

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