Sunday, 30 April 2023

About learning to think before we speak

Wouldn't it be a great idea if we could all do just that,

not doing or saying anything if we're not calm, collected and composed.

When Dr Jacob Bronowski was being interviewed on television

or taking part in a discussion programme many years ago now,

he would pause for quite a long time before answering a question or saying anything.

It was quite embarrassing because you wondered if he'd heard

but when he answered, his thoughts were always measured, cogent and spot on.

Would that I could remember and follow that practice but sadly, I can't!!

About people walking away from us

If people choose to walk away from us,

we should wait until they choose to return.

About judging people

We may judge what people do but we cannot judge why they do it.

It is hard enough to know what is in our own hearts let alone know or understand what is in the hearts of others.


Saturday, 29 April 2023

About the messiness of life

My experience of life is that, on the whole, 

it is very messy and most of us are just muddling through.

Saturday, 1 April 2023

About a creator of creation

Why do so many people find it hard to believe that the universe has to have a creator? 

I really don't understand. How can they think that something can come from nothing?

The solar system is entirely powered by the sun and all energy on earth, in its manifold forms, emanates from that of the sun. The pull of its gravity is that which keeps its surrounding planets in orbit.

All the ancient belief systems which incorporated a sun god weren't too far off course, were they!