Saturday, 29 February 2020

About our backgrounds

It's not where we've come from that matters,
but where we are now
and where we are heading
(or hoping and trying to reach).

Thursday, 20 February 2020

About charity being said to begin at home

Maybe charity does begin at home
but it shouldn't end there.

About spite

A week or so ago, I heard some news, which I recounted gleefully to my friend as 'gossip'. It aroused secretly spiteful thoughts in my head which I acknowledged, even at the time, as shameful.

I genuinely regretted my thoughts, even though they could be said to be 'only human' and not long afterwards this phrase popped into my head.

Spite despoils the spiteful.

I hope to be able to keep this thought in mind!

About tears

In order for tears to be wiped away,
they need to be cried.