Friday, 23 August 2019

About opinions

We must always remember that our views and opinions
are of equal value to those of others -
not better or lesser but equal.

Monday, 12 August 2019

Monday, 5 August 2019

About life, trial and error and taking stock

Do we sometimes, or often, or mainly, even, expect too much of each other?
Are we like children, expecting adults to have all the answers,
be they doctors, teachers, lawyers, politicians
or ordinary people, just like us?

Approximation, rule of thumb, trial and error
seem to have been the main modes of progress
if we look back through history;
a little nearer each time,
but never quite arriving.

If we go forward too far or too quickly,
do we find that we need to take a step back?

At whatever point we are on the trajectory of our lives,
it often pays to stop and take stock
before we move on.