Tuesday, 29 May 2018

About learning to appreciate the value of little things

You need to have a blister on your toe
before you appreciate
the wonder of a sticking plaster!

About 'peddling our wares' with care

The more we 'peddle our wares', 
the less valuable they may become.

Let us learn to treasure ourselves as precious vessels
which contain our inner beings,

Let us only allow those to drink from them,
who will value their contents as they should.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

About 'going senile'

I've heard it said
that if you think you might be,
you probably aren't!

Let's hope that's true.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

About falling over

The only people who never fall over
are those who never walk.

About a possible secret of life

One of the secrets of life may lie in knowing 
that, to paraphrase 'Manuel', of Fawlty Towers fame, 
'"We know nothing!"

Of course, in reality, we all know 'something'
but in the great scheme of things,
all our knowledge is but a drop in the ocean.

It must surely be efficacious and humbling
to constantly remind ourselves of the above.

About letting go of the past

If we cannot let go of the past,
we cannot take hold of the present,
let alone, the future.